Sunday, November 8, 2009

Christ's Church Restored

As we look through the Bible, particularly the Old Testament, we see a pattern of God calling prophets. Those prophets have authority from God to speak His word, as if He Himself were speaking. Prophets were necessary for not only revealing God's will and word, but helping His children learn how to live so that they could return to Him again. People could know exactly what God wanted for them, because His messenger, the prophet, spoke on His behalf. These prophets were often rejected and even killed, so God would call another to continue the work.

Jesus Christ eventually came to minister, and organized His Church as we see it in the New Testament. He called Twelve Apostles to carry on His work after He was crucified, and they did so. Eventually, however, those apostles were also rejected and killed. God did not call any more prophets for a time. He waited until His children were ready before He again called prophets and invested in them His authority.

The time came in the early 1800s. Joseph Smith was called and given authority to restore Christ's Church back on the earth again, with the same organization that Christ Himself and established - with prophets, with apostles, and with authority. Just like the prophets before him, Joseph Smith was rejected and killed, but the authority has been passed on to prophets and apostles, just as before. There is a man, Thomas S. Monson, who speaks to us in God's behalf, just as did Moses, Isaiah, Peter and Paul. He is God's spokesperson in our modern times.

Knowing this, that God calls prophets and apostles today, has enhanced my life in countless ways. Not only do I have the word of God through His ancient prophets (found in the scriptures), but I have the word of God direct to us today, through His modern prophets. They have taught me life's purpose, how to find happiness, and they have given me perspective on life. God wants all of His children to hear His word, so that they can return to Him. These prophets are the instruments in God's hands to accomplish His work.


  1. Thank you for this post. The more I listen to the prophets of God, the deeper becomes my conviction that they are indeed called of God and are his instruments in teaching and guiding us in these troubled times.

    Did you know that President Monson was recently named America's most powerful man over 80?

  2. I love this church. I love the prophets. I love the scriptures. I love the peace and direction all these have brought me.
    Thank you for sharing.
