Sunday, October 25, 2009


I love being in the temple. It is literally the house of the Lord. It's a place where you can go to shut out the pressures and the commotion of the world for a little while, and feel nothing but peace and the Spirit of the Lord. It's amazing how much clearer life seems, how much perspective you can get on life when you're in such a holy and sacred place.

In the temple husband and wife can be married for eternity. God has given us the authority to bind families together not only for our time in this life, but for all eternity. Families were not meant to be temporary, lasting only while we live here on earth. The Lord himself has said, "Neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord" (1 Corinthians 11:11), and that applies through eternity. I can think of nothing greater than to live, with my family, in God's presence forever.

I have the opportunity to go to the temple every week, and the time I spend there is a highlight of my week. Sometimes I miss a week for whatever reason, and I can tell a difference in the rest of my week because of it. During the weeks when I go to the temple I'm a little more patient, a little more kind, and less easily annoyed or frustrated. Those are small things, but they are blessings I have received from a loving Father in Heaven for coming to His holy house.


  1. Thanks for your comments about the peace and clarity that come from worshiping in the temple. It's one of those places I long to be more often than I am. At the same time, I always leave with the desire to go out into the world and take some of the goodness I've gained there with me and spread it around.

  2. Its true that when we do things consistently - we can gain more blessings from it. That is true for almost any good thing: exercising, reading the scriptures, going to the temple, sincere prayer. When we do it dilligently, we put ourselves in a position where the Lord can bless us more abundantly. Going to the temple every once in a while is great, but going regularly enhances all of our experiences in an amazing way.
